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Early Years Guide

So they sent you home with a baby but no instruction book? This guide is for you! Specifically written for LGBTQ+ parents it covers the trials and triumphs of caring for babies and preschoolers and offers the collective wisdom and advice of Rainbow Families parents.



This guide was created to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ parents and caregivers for information that speaks to the reality of our lives. It also addresses many of the questions parents have about how to navigate common challenges.

Rainbow families are much like any other family: we all have to adjust to the changes children bring to our lives; we all want our kids to grow up secure, healthy and happy; we all have good parenting days and bad. And we all have to deal with nits and homework and fights over screen time. But there are some things that are unique to rainbow families; small day-to-day challenges and bigger questions and concerns.  


Read it here (pdf)




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