We are super excited to announce we will be bringing a series of sports carnivals to families across NSW.
Thanks to The Heart Foundation's Active Australia Innovation Challenge we will host mini sports carnivals specifically for children in Rainbow Families. Across five locations in NSW the carnivals will provide the opportunity for families in the city as well as regional families to come together in their local area for a family fun day of facilitated sports carnival activities.
Sports carnivals will be from 10am - 1pm on the following dates -
So we know how many people to cater for please make sure you register by clicking on the carnival near you.
Thank you to Football NSW and Netball NSW who will be facilitating activities at each of the events.
The sports carnivals will be an opportunity for LGBTQ+ parents including gay dads, lesbian mums, bi barents, trans/gender diverse parents, queer parents, and parents through adoption, fostering and surrogacy to be together with their local community, while getting active with their children.