Rainbow Families presents at Better Together Conference
We are so proud of our work to support trans and gender diverse parents. Jac Tomlins has been researching and collating stories for a soon to be published Trans and Gender Diverse Parents Guide. Jac facilitated a session that included the stories of Alison, Kerry & Al. This guide forms part of the All Families (link) project that was funded by our community, and will be launched in May this year.
The dads were up early on Saturday morning to share their journey about their gay parenting story. The panel included families made in partnerships with lesbians, via altruistic surrogacy, via fostering to adoption, international surrogacy, and pervious heterosexual relationship. It was a warm open discussion about love, perseverance and the joys and challenges of parenting.
The Youth Advisory Council presented the last session for the conference. Charlie, Alex, Amali, Adara and Luca shared their stories. This session offered an opportunity for children in our community to develop public speaking and presentation skills. It was well received with feedback that it was honest, disarming, courageous and completely charming.
Better Together 2019 was a national conference organised by The Equality Project. The conference aims to facilitate a conversation about LGBTIQ+ rights in Australia.