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August Antenatal and Postnatal Class

The Rainbow Families Antenatal Class is Australia’s first LGBTQ+ specific antenatal class. Run quarterly, it is perfect for LGBTQ+ parents and carers expecting a baby in the next few months. The Rainbow Families antenatal class is an LGTBQ+ focused, inclusive, parenting education class. The first half of the day is dedicated to the birth process, and is aimed at people who will be in the birth suite. After lunch the class opens up to all expectant parents and carers, with important information on postnatal care, and what to do when you get home with your baby.

Our next class will be held on August 28, between 9am and 5pm.

Tickets available here

Tickets are $100 per persons and cover the following topics:

  • Early labour
  • Active labour
  • Birth
  • The newborn baby
  • Feeding and recovery
  • Adjusting to parenting
  • Sleep and settling


The class is delivered by Midwife Parent Educators and Child and Family Health Nurses from Sydney Local Health District.

Some comments from previous participants:

"Congratulations on running this class - really hope it can continue ongoing, much needed in the community, thank you Rainbow Families"


"Thank you for doing this it’s really great to do birthing classes with people with similar families and to acknowledge same sex partners"


Tickets available here

LGBTQ Family holding baby

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LGBTQ family