A Huge thank you Rica
Rica wrote to the committee in 2015, “I am not sure if you could use my help, I’ve been a treasurer before, worked managing financials for films..oh and I am an accountant.” We all did a happy dance the day that email arrived.
Rainbow Families has grown from small amounts held in cash to being a community organisation with over $100,000 turnover each year. We don’t receive ongoing funding, but we fundraise and apply for grants for specific projects.
Rica has been amazing asset to our community. She managed the wages for our part time worker, ensured we meet ATO legislation, payed all accounts, juggled the cash flow for the myriads of projects we undertake each year, and was crucial in supporting our growth vision. She was also important in ensuring we run a transparent, ethical, professional and well managed community organisation.
We acknowledge and thank Rica for establishing some healthy accounting practices over the last 3 years. Rica is at the heart of our organisation, a volunteer who has given hours each week to ensure that we all have a thriving healthy community.
A heartfelt thank you to Rica from the committee and our community. We wish you all the best for the next chapter in your life.