We are hosting a monthly online webinar series to equip parents and carers with knowledge and evidence-based strategies to tackle tricky teen issues. Each session, participants will join with facilitators Geneve O’Connor from Metro Assist and Gaia Mainini from Co.As.It, along with an expert on the monthly topic.
Sessions run on last Thursday of every month on Zoom 6.30 - 8pm Sydney time.
Thursday 30 June |
Building self-esteem and confidence in teens |
Thursday 28 July |
Supporting teens to explore and express gender identity |
Thursday 25 Aug |
Cultivating healthy body image |
Thursday 29 Sept |
Healthy boundaries and enthusiastic consent |
Thursday 27 Oct |
Talking to teens about pornography |
Thursday 24 Nov |
Tackling teen mental health |
You can register for one, or all of the webinars!