A report into discrimination faced by LGBTIQ+-parented families when accessing Australian Government services.
This report is a follow-up to the 2017 Rainbow Families NSW report Love makes a family: A report into discrimination faced by LGBTIQ+-parented families when accessing state government services.
This report looks at the experiences
of members of our community when accessing services provided through the Australian Government. What we found
is that families still face exclusion and discrimination in the most basic day-to-day interactions with government – from forms that don’t reflect the makeup of our families, to schools who can exclude our children because of who their parents are or have the right to fire us because of who we love and who we are.
Two things are clear from this report: the power of language to make us feel included or excluded; and that family diversity and inclusivity training would go a long way to remove barriers for our community.
In 2017, our community campaigned for marriage equality. While that battle was won, what this report reveals is that there is still a long way to go before members of our community experience full equality when accessing government services.