Hello Rainbow Families Community
We are a group of Social Work Students from ACU Strathfield and we would like to start by saying how inspired we are by this incredible community & how excited we are to get involved!
Our goal is to help keep your beloved rainbow family playgroup up and running during these difficult COVID times!
Having that social connection within the community is so important during times like this and we are determined to find a way to bring back those weekly laughs, chats and activities you experienced in the playgroup.
We want to work alongside all of you to make this possible and best suited to everyone’s situation! We have attached a small survey below which will allow those people who are interested to get involved and have a say in the COVID safe playgroup style.
We are all very excited and hope that we can help make these hard times a little easier and fun!
Can’t wait to hear from you all!
- Anna, Caitlin, Ariana, Maddison & Emma