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Pages tagged "LGBTQ+ families"

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Kids Books Mega List

GREAT BOOKS BRING US TOGETHER: Sharing a book together with your loved ones is a special time. It's a great way to bond and create beautiful memories together.

THE MEGA LIST: Diverse books reflecting our community are becoming more common for a wide range of age groups, so we have compiled a mega list of book suggestions aimed at a mixture of aged groups from birth to late teens.
ou can Google the name and author to find out more about the book.

RECOMMEDATIONS: Perhaps you have discovered a great book and would like to recommend it to other families - send us a message on Facebook or Insta. @rainbowfamilies_au

BOOK REVIEWS: Please let us know or post a book review in our Rainbow Families Community Group on Facebook.

AUTHORS: And if you are an author of a diverity and inclusion book, reach out and we'll include you on our list :)

EARLY CHILDHOOD AUSTRALIA: This is a link to Early Childhood Australia's Family Diversity Resouces Packs. There are two, one is aimed at 0 to 3 years and the other is 3 to 6 years.



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